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The Family Institute Partners with PUREi to Create a Parenting Video Series At The Height Of The Pandemic


<p><span>Through research, education and clinical services, The Family Institute at Northwestern University is one of the nation's leading relationship-based behavioral health organizations committed to strengthening and healing children and adolescents, couples, families and individuals.<br /><br />The Family Institute came to PUREi to create a parenting video series. During the COVID-19 Pandemic we were able to safely&nbsp;and successfully execute a video shoot on-location at a residential home with multiple adult and child actors. We p</span>racticed COVID-safe shooting while also ensuring our client and actors were safe during the two-week shoot. The goal of the fifteen videos was to teach parents how to handle various parenting issues that families struggle with every day.&nbsp;<br /><br />Once we had COVID-safe procedures in place, we put out a casting call for the eight actors. We scheduled out the two week shoot keeping everyone's safety in mind. During the shoot, we worked closely with our client to ensure that actors' delivery, tone and emotion was perfectly aligned with the script and messaging to properly demonstrate the techniques in a true-to-life and meaningful way.<br /><br />Our designers, motion graphics artists and editors worked remotely to bring these videos together in what was without question a challenging time. The Family Institute was very pleased with the finished video series and they are now an integral part of their training program which is available to anyone at <a href="https://www.family-institute.org/behavioral-health-resources/talking-kids-you-love" target="_blank">www.family-institute.org/behavioral-health-resources/talking-kids-you-love</a>.<br /><br />{{portfolio code=project id=585}}</p>